Be where your target group is!

Reach travel agency customers in the German-speaking market without wastage

  • MEINE REISE is the brand new digital travel magazine
  • MEINE REISE is distributed as an e-paper exklusively via the travel agencies
  • MEINE REISE offers the direct access to the customers of the travel agencies
  • Learn about the sales idea of MEINE REISE:
  • MEINE REISE is pure fun to read!

    It offers exciting stories and reports with added reader value

    • Emotional storytelling and inspiring images
    • Customer-oriented tips and information
    • Modern and reader-friendly layout
    • Innovative as direct-to-read e-paper
    Wow! Tell me more, contact me!See the new issue here

    Unique with personalization

    High credibility, because the sender of the e-paper is personally known to the customer: It is their personal travel agency!

    • Personalization is placed in the editorial as well on other pages in the magazine
    • Articles of specific destinations include a small travel guide, presented by an individual placement of the travel agency
    • Optional: with link and image or logo
    Even better, tell me more, contact me!See the new issue here

    The travel agency and travel agency clerk as sender of the editorial

    With adress, phone number and website
    and optional link in the travel guide

    The website optional with link in an extra textbox of an article

    With our without personalization

    MEINE REISE is even without personalization a top travel magazine

    Without personalization a general wording and a standard-icon is presented.

    Travel agencies use MEINE REISE as their marketing tool!

    The travel agency is becoming the multiplier for your advertising

    • Easy-to-receive:
      Travel agencies send MEINE REISE as an e-paper link
    • Part of the travel agencies own marketing activities:
      MEINE REISE can be integrated on the travel agencies own website, newsletter, social media channels and is part of the direct customer communication
    • Part of the leading travel agency software paxlounge:
      MEINE REISE is part of the salesfunnel of the travel agency
    Fantastic, tell me more, contact me!See the new issue here

    No barrier to purchase

    MEINE REISE is free of charge for the travel agencies as well their customers!

    Free marketing: MEINE REISE is distributed as an e-paper for free to the travel agencies! The personalization as well is free for the travel agencies. And of course, MEINE REISE is free for the customers of the travel agencies.

    We offer the consumer goods industry with MEINE REISE a great opportunity for classic advertising.

    MEINE REISE is published 6x per year

    I want to know more, please contact me!

    Appealing distribution

    From the get-go with more than 5,500 travel agencies

    • MEINE REISE is part of the travel offer tool of the software paxlounge, that is used in more than 5,500 travel agencies
    • Approx. 5,000,000 links are sent to customers per issue
    • MEINE REISE will be additionally used by the travel agencies for their own marketing activities (email, homepage etc.)
    Yes, I want to know more, contact me!See the new issue here

    MEINE REISE at detail

    Simple access, no barriers, digital e-paper for desktop, mobile and tablet

    • MEINE REISE offers innovative e-paper technology
    • There is no opt in necessary, simply click, download and start to read
    • A very attractive competition for readers (a cruise worth €7,500) arouses attention and boosts the opening rate
    • Recommendation: the e-paper can easily shared with family and friends – just forward the link
    • Downloads and open rate data is collected anonymized and deliver further information of performance data
    I want to know more, please contact me!See the new issue here

    Publishing dates

    six issues in the year 2024:

    Issue 1/2024 – 09.02.2024
    Issue 2/2024 – 05.04.2024
    Issue 3/2024 – 24.05.2024
    Issue 4/2024 – 26.07.2024
    Issue 5/2024 – 27.09.2024
    Issue 6/2024 – 06.12.2024

    I want to know more, please contact me!

    Exciting target group without wastage

    People in holiday mood

    • Customers of the travel agencies love to plan the best time of the year
    • Great customer mood: spending for vacation purposes is usually higher
    • Travel planning is connected to travel buying – the right style, the right tech, the right camera equipment, the right body care, the practicle suitcase etc.
    Tell me more, contact me!See the new issue here